Saturday, November 1, 2008

Day Thirty-two, the Flat Belly Diet

I was at the grocery today and found myself picking up Flat Belly Diet foods: avocado, cashews, chocolate, frozen fruit, yogurt. My favorites caught my eye, too--Lays Sour Cream and Onion chips, Pepperidge Farm Verona cookies, Dove Ice Cream Bars--but I couldn't bring myself to even go near them. I feel like I'm doomed if I pick them up. I really have been feeling pretty good--not bloated or uncomfortable, and all the nutty oils have finally made my skin kind of glow-y. It wasn't that way at the beginning of the diet. In fact, I looked sickly, as I recall. P definitely said that I was NOT glow-y.

Didn't do too badly today given that I really felt like I was at the end of a long haul.

Weight: unchanged
Workout: 45 min treadmill, heavy abs, light upper body

Breakfast: Peanut butter and wasa cracker

Lunch: Tuna, pita, Avocado, cheese

Snack: Movies--a few cups of popcorn, Smoothie, cashews

Dinner: Homemade veggie pizza, Ice Cream w/ walnuts, carrots

Calories: 1730 (not exactly 1600, but okay by me)

I did it!

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