Thursday, October 9, 2008

Day Nine, the Flat Belly Diet

Started off the worst yet this morning with the Wii Fit--1.1 pounds up! The good news is that my Body Fat percentage has been going slowly, steadily down. If it weren't I'd be even more discouraged than I am right now. All this measuring and figuring and making my family eat nuts instead of pretzels is driving me a little batty.

My energy at the gym is better, I confess. Though I don't think I could handle the Body Combat class. (WTF? I wish it were actually people slamming into one another, but mostly it's just 35 yr-old Donna Karan mommies sweating a lot.) After kicking my own butt with 45 minutes on the elliptical trainer and heavy upper body yesterday, I stuck to 55 min on the treadmill today with some abs. I've been cursing the gain all day. I know that building muscle can actually add weight and that it's better in the long run--but I'm skeptical. I'm thinking that 1600 calories a day is going to take the weight off very slowly--even though I've had several days where I stayed well under.

Breakfast: Peanut butter on whole wheat. 1 cup grapes.

Lunch: Plain yogurt with raspberries. Banana. (No MUFA--first time)

Snack: 1/2 pita w/ 2.5 oz turkey and Smiling Cow wedge, Grape tomatoes and lindt chocolate (3 squares--almost a whole MUFA)

mini-snack: banana

Dinner: 4 oz broiled salmon, 1/4 cup brown rice, 1 cup blanched green beans, Macadamia nuts. Dove square for dessert because I'm stupidly tired and will-powerless. Put me 12 cals over for the day!

Total calories: 1612

I really, really want sushi tomorrow. Can I bear sashimi w/out soy sauce?

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